====== About pfm ====== //pfm// is the nickname I’ve started using quite a long time ago (perhaps between 2002–2005). My real name is Piotr Mieszkowski and this is my personal wiki. I’m a software engineer interested in clean, simple and working designs. Most of the time I write Scala code, but I can also find my way around in codebases in other languages, such as Java, PHP, Common Lisp, Elixir or Perl (see some examples [[#technologies_i_ve_tried|below]]). I use [[emacs|GNU Emacs]]. Opinions published here are my own and not of my employer. See also: [[travel|travelling]] --- places I've visited or plan to visit. ===== My profiles on the Web ===== You can find me on: * SourceHut: [[https://sr.ht/~pfm/|~pfm]]; * Disroot Git: [[https://git.disroot.org/pfm|pfm]]; * Fediverse: * [[https://edolas.world/users/pfm|pfm@edolas.world]] --- random thoughts; * earlier it used to be [[https://bsd.network/@pfm|pfm@bsd.network]]; * Jabber/XMPP: pfm at disroot.org (available quite often); * Matrix/riot: @pfm:matrix.org (available once a few days); * email: take contact@ and append the domain name of this website (yes, I mean untalkative.one); * [[https://inventaire.io/inventory/pfm|inventaire.io]] --- some of my books. ===== Organisations I support ===== * [[https://panoptykon.org/|Fundacja Panoptykon]] --- a Polish NGO / watchdog that fights for privacy. * [[https://disroot.org/|Disroot]] --- a privacy-oriented platform providing lots of useful tools for privacy-aware people. ===== Technologies I've tried ===== * **Common Lisp**: [[https://git.sr.ht/~pfm/gas|GAS]] --- a DNA sequence assembly utility. Not very mature, but works for ABIF and FASTA files. I've also done some minor work on McCLIM, see [[https://github.com/McCLIM/McCLIM/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed+alexandria+author%3Apefimo|list of my changes]]. * **Forth**: [[https://git.sr.ht/~pfm/forth-kata|Forth Kata]] --- includes [[wp>Zeller's_congruence|Zeller's congruence]] implementation. * **Makefile**, **POSIX utilities**: [[https://git.sr.ht/~pfm/makeweb|Makeweb]], a static-site generator using [[https://fletcherpenney.net/multimarkdown/|multimarkdown]] as the only non-POSIX dependency. * **Python**: [[lacre:overview|Lacre]] --- an email encryption software. * **Rust**: [[https://git.sr.ht/~pfm/bf/|bf]] --- a [[wpen>Brainfuck]] interpreter; [[projects:split-bill|split-bill]] --- a tool to settle shared expenses. (Note: as of 2024-07-28, I'm still learning Rust.)