====== Bookmark dump, November 2019 ====== Since I’ve joined the Fediverse, every now and then I stumble upon cool and inspiring things. Usually I “star” them in order to be able to return and re-read them in my free time. But that re-reading never actually happens because I don’t browse my old favourites… Today I’ve decided to change that. Because this is the first time, it might not include every link I have ever starred, but that’s perhaps a good thing. Links are ordered chronologically, by date of me seeing them for the first time. * [[http://joeyh.name/blog/entry/usb_drives_with_no_phantom_load/|usb drives with no phantom load]] First line of this write-up should encourage anybody interested in solarpunk to read it: > For a long time I’ve not had any network attached storage at home, because it’s offgrid and power budget didn’t allow it. But now I have 16 terabytes of network attached storage, that uses no power at all when it’s not in use, and automatically spins up on demand. * [[https://mastodon.social/@fribbledom/102571576432772607|fribbledom’s toot about git]] > Did you know that “git checkout -” works much like “cd -” and switches back and forth between two branches? > > You’re welcome. Well, I wasn’t aware of that, but it’s a cool feature! * [[https://hackers.town/@zpojqwfejwfhiunz/102587552011381018|zpojqwfejwfhiunz’s toot about Marvin Minsky’s book]] > coworker: Event-sourcing, neural networks, distributed processing, and all this other NEW STUFF that’s required just to be an “entry level developer” is crazy, how can we all keep up?! > > Me: here you go, all of that NEW STUFF is beautifully explained and illustrated in this single book, “Computation: Finite and Infinite Machines” by Marvin Minsky… it’s from 1967, so be careful with the binding. I think I’ll need to look that book up… * [[https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/planet-local-short-film-series-part-1/|Planet Local, part 1/5]] A series of 5 films, which I’d like to watch. > Every person on earth needs food every day. Every day food is tended, harvested, transported, stored, and served up on our tables. In a very real sense, food cannot be separated from life itself… * [[https://governance.funkwhale.audio/d/X4OGJ9bK/native-android-player-in-development|FunkWhale gets its own app!]] * [[https://mstdn.io/@antekone/102687578326780474|GMail considered harmful]] The first line sums it up quite well: > #GMail is harmful to e-mail ecosystem; its antispam blocking policy matches too many valid messages as spam. * [[https://www.theguardian.com/books/picture/2019/aug/23/heroic-unreliable-canine-tom-gauld-on-narrative-voices-cartoon|types of narratives]] * [[https://walkaway.wiki/Tomo/Nomad.html|Nomad, Walkaway.wiki’s mobile device project]] A walkaway project - open-hardware/open-source mobile device. * [[https://backgroundchecks.org/justdeleteme/|Just Delete Me]] A directory of direct links to delete your account * [[https://fedi.absturztau.be/objects/69146059-004b-496c-9102-0c5a68fe9cea|a nice animated gif…]] …showing a post-climate-crisis scenery. * [[https://blog.dereferenced.org/the-fediverse-or-shitpost-ergo-sum-ego-sum|kaniini’s write-up about the Fediverse]] A very interesting read about fediverse and more. * [[https://fedi.absturztau.be/objects/b88fcf23-8675-42bc-84a9-e2b8ef035acf|a collection of retro gifs]] * [[https://gitlab.com/spritely/ocappub/blob/master/README.org|Chris Lemmer Webber on OcapPub]] * [[https://mattstoller.substack.com/p/the-slow-death-of-hollywood|The Slow Death of Hollywood]] * [[https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-49884827|EU brings in ‘right to repair’ rules for appliances]] * [[https://www.coolproducts.eu/news/eu-to-pull-plug-on-wasteful-unrepairable-products|EU to pull plug on wasteful, unrepairable products]] * [[https://thetechnicalgeekery.com/2014/11/the-records-project-a-study-of-paper-vs-computers/|keeping notes: digital and on paper]] * [[https://codeberg.org/jjg/preposter.us/issues/2|a wonderful, fluid web design]] * [[http://planetary.social/|a Secure ScuttleButt-based social network]]