Week 2018-W46 in reading

This week’s list is rather short as I’ve been mostly skimming through short answers to simple questions about Clojure or Scala which I’m re-learning at the moment.

  • An article about Growing a DSL with Clojure.
  • Documentation of the clj-pdf package. I’ve already used it to generate wedding schedules when I was getting married but I needed to refresh it since I’m working on a concept of a Clojure-generated document at the moment.
  • I’ve also come across the Logic-Starter project which is a simple introduction to logic programming with core.logic Clojure package. Its wiki contains some interesting example applications. core.logic itself seems to be very interesting.

I’m collecting links to articles explaining how Google and other huge companies make privacy harder. Google and Amazon disabled domain-fronting some time ago. There’s also a good wrap-up of the large players’ practices: The price of free.

I’m also interested in ethics, so this title caught my attention: Is curing patients a sustainable business model?.

I also enjoyed re-reading existentialism at the beach.